Google accused of discriminating against, underpaying women

08 Apr 2017 3:14 PM | General
323 Report

Google accused of discriminating against, underpaying women

New York: The US Department of Labour (DoL) has accused Google of discriminating its female employees by paying them less than their male counterparts.

According to a report in the Guardian on Saturday, The DoL, which is investigating the case, claims to have evidence of "systemic compensation disparities". The allegations surface days after Google announced on Equal Pay Day that it had "closed the gender pay gap globally".

"Let's make every day #EqualPayDay. All employers can take steps to eliminate the gender and race pay gaps, today," @Google tweeted earlier this week. The government has collected information that points towards the violation of federal employment laws by Google, the DoL said.

Edited By

Shruthi G

Reported By

Shruthi G
